Provide color information and color scheme for #A #A is deep blue The component of #A is RGB(0 40 106) The complementary color of #A is #60 Blue is the color that is reminiscent of reassurance and trust It is the color that calms the feeling, and it is popular as a friendly color Blue is also the color that evokes sorrow, so be carefulEarth Brown (Pantone 132 U) And Agave Blue (Pantone 3165 U) Is/Are Claimed As A Feature Of The Mark CD0000 The Design In Golden Yellow (Pantone 110 U At 90%) Is Located On The Upper Center Part, The Wording "Simply" In Earth Brown (Pantone 132 U) Is Located In The Lower Left Part;Buy now from the Pantone official website hundreds of color tools in stock for graphic design, print, fashion, textiles, and home Pantone provides a universal language of color that enables colorcritical decisions for designers, brands, and manufacturers
Pantone Solid Coated Chart By Thegorhamagency Issuu
Pantone 3165 u