SCP087B Is like SCP106 but brings players to SCP087A (the endless staircase) SCP087C SCP939 Makes human sounds at random times SCP966 Is an invisible humanoid that can kills players by using its claws It can also use its screech ability to slow down nearby players (Note that your nametag is still visible) SCP999 Is a nearly invincible SCP available to players who5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10 Gmod Breach (The following are mods of SCP games, but some consider them to be different things so I will add them anyways) 11 SCP CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod (unreleased, but had a demo version out for it awhile ago) 12 SCP Containment Breach Ultimate Edition 13 Removed Child jumpscareRemoved all SCP087C1 Jumpscares But bro, 087B is all about jumpscares That is like %80 of it, but it builds so much of an atmosphere that it is devastating Codaman2x4 Posts 34 Joined Mon 551 pm Location New York (Re "Into the Darkness" SCP087C #78 by Codaman2x4 The game keeps pushing me back to the

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Scp 087 b jumpscare sound- Five Rounds at Freddy's Stairs is a thrilling mod made for SCP087B with sounds and many textures taken from the horror Five Nights at Freddy's game You are placed in a strange creepy building You have to find the way out as soon as possible before the scary animatronics looking like Freddy and Bonnie find and kill you They can appear and hide in every corner You Why SCP173 looks like Mental/Red monster from SCP087B, despite of the fact that SCP106 and SCP096 are already look like them?

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Ecraft videos Secret Room Scp 087 B Youtube roblox scp 087 b with jumpscare test youtube, gWithKev DannyGa;SCP087B and Slender Sanatorium this was so I could get genuine reactions to use as stock voice clips for future use some pretty interesting stuff came out jump scareHave you freed your sound today?
That Is a Jumpscare Sound Register Log In Sounds;SCP087 is an endless staircase, cloaked in darkness Lights can be used, but light sources above 75 watts will prove ineffective, as SCP087 seems to absorb excess light Throughout the staircase, the cries and wails of what sounds like a small child are heard SCP087B Source is a remake of the Indie game SCP087B Made by Regalis,Ported to Source,More Rooms, More Fear Release Date TBD IMAGES CURRENTLY MAKINGThe Game PS I will fix that Grey Fog If you want to contact me, Send me a PM or add rxg Nick™ on steam FEATURESBetter GraphicsNew EventsNew RoomsMultiple Endings!
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I recorded my voice while playing freelance horror games;Feel free to add a game if I missed one THANKS TO okbuddysir, Agent The games are listed here (this is just listed in the order I typed them up) 1 SCP Containment Breach 2 SCP Containment Breach Unity 3 SCP Secret Laboratory 4 SCP450 5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10Audios do jogo SCP087B e SCP087B V21, imagens criadas pelo PaintNet

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SCP087B and Slender Sanatorium this was so I could get genuine reactions to use as stock voice clips for future use some pretty interesting stuff came out expecting a jumpscareSlender man starts to appear upon reading SCP1025B (The book) 123 SCPThe best collection of SCP sounds you can find Sounds to use on SCP Secret Laboratory All sound files are now MP3 instead of OGG Renamed all the sound files BY ☆ミAlperen☆彡 Steam 🎃★Alperen🎃 SCP049 Breath 049 Detected 049 Do Not Be Afraid 049 Good 049 Greetings 049 Hello 049 I Am The Cure 049 I Can See You 049 I Hear You Breathing

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And I want to ask you about Slender When he appears? SCP 087B Doom Version V03 (On hold, back burner project) This mod contains jumpscares, loud sounds and at one stage a jumpscare includes flashing lights so if you are either epileptic or are faint of heart, this is not for you, you have been warned The SCP in SCP Foundation stands for "Secure Contain Protect" which essentially sums up the When the monster showed up in SCP087 the whole game would freeze, telling you to run away before allowing you to do so In the sequel, the creature will be in just some of the places you're heading into The first time I ever saw it, I wasn't even sure what I was looking at I just saw a weird shape near the end of a long hallway, and had a moment of confusion before I realized that

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More More Items Characters Gamepedia Back Items Gas Mask Keycards Documents SNav Radio More Back Characters Guards NineTailed Fox ScientistsRoblox Audios and Sound Ids Keyword SCPCB SCP087B jumpscare Looking for the Roblox ID for SCP087B jumpscare?Joke SCPs are SCP objects that exist in the game as novelties and comical value, and can be classified as easter eggs They're technically noncanon with the SCP Foundation 1 SCP4J 2 SCP7J 21 Quotes 3 Anomalous Ducks 31 Sounds Info Object Class Totally Safe Animate?

Hey Guys Just Reminding You That I M Still Developing That Scp 087 Game I M Thinking Of Naming It Autophobia 087 Here S A Screenshot Of The Entrance Scp

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609ogg, the sound file in the ending states "Mulla on oma bändikin, Resisposse", which approximately translates into "I've even got a band of my own, Resisposse" The Doctor's voice was made with TTS Oddcast Charles UK voice, since the pronunciation on "087B" The Cheshire Smile makes a cameo in SCP Containment BreachSKYWALKER, ELECTRICITY THE FORCE WHINE; About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators

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RainbowFactory wroteAt the begining, i thought that was another mod for SCP087B So i played it, and it was awesome !More Rooms Light Containment;I do wonder if they have a place ingame, though It'd be unfair to the player to have

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I walk for 3m and there is a jumpscare You should reduce the jumpscare and add more ambiance sound And i have a few questionsWhy there is a baby ?Is there an Ending ?Can we avoid SCP087BSEGA Fanfare (very low pitched variant heard once in "Leonard Plays Creepypasta Museum 3D") SKYWALKER BULLET RICOCHET 01;Moonsaber's concept art is, as always, spoton, and you're doing a GREAT job with the model!

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Freesound Users that downloaded SCP087B death soundSKYWALKER, EXPLOSION MASSIVE EXPLOSION, LOUD, HYPERREALISTIC;SCP087B SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness

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SKYWALKER, EXPLOSION SEISMIC CHARGEJust use the Roblox Id below to hear the music!SCP076 remained in storage for ( ) years, until SCP0762 became active and escaped on The reason for SCP076's activation is currently unknown, but it was at this point that the keys to the outer shell were lost A massive manhunt, lasting over three (3) years and , took place until SCP0762 was incapacitated by , killing it and causing it to reform inside SCP0761, by then

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Feel free to add a game if I missed one THANKS TO okbuddysir, Agent The games are listed here (this is just listed in the order I typed them up) 1 SCP Containment Breach 2 SCP Containment Breach Unity 3 SCP Secret Laboratory 4 SCP450 5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10I also want to inform you that the mod has updated and that I have some new pics if you want to use them Thanks! Roblox Scp 087 B With Jumpscare Test Youtube Roblox is ushering in the next generation of entertainment imagine, create, and play together with millions of players across an infinite variety of immersive, user generated 3d worlds Themanhacc is one of the millions playing, creating and exploring the endless possibilities of roblox join themanhacc on roblox and explore

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Well you've come to the right place!They look exactly as I imagined when I wrote them!The following is a list of content that was either scrapped or went unused in SCP Containment Breach 1 Scrapped SCPs 11 SCP178 111 Death message 12 SCP5131 13 SCP650 14 SCP6 15 SCP1074 151 In Game 152 Quotes 153 Death message 16 External links 17 Gallery 2 Scrapped Models 21 Chaos Insurgency/Mobile Task Force Variant 22 Kalle Havumäki 3

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsThis boss is different It will not move if you look at it, which is a double edged sword In the narrow corridors of SCP087B, a Sister can completely block access You have to look away for about 3 seconds for it to leave When it's close You can see it Jumpscare on death Jumpscare on teleport near the player/s Not lethal TipsMore Popular Spin Off To the game version of SCP087 and SCP087B Most Wonderful Sound 6's roar is partfrightening and partawesome Narm Charm Part of 096's screams sound like Courage the Cowardly Dog Still doesn't make him any less terrifying They also sound eerily similar to Lemongrab's screams

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But they are too many jumpscare, i mean, they are everywhere !Yes SCP Link SCP4JThis SCP has music relating to it SCP4J, known as "The Topics SCP, video game, horror, horror game, pc game, computer game Language English SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087 You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness

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Reitanna July 15th, 14 (LOUD!) lol i record my voice while playing video games now so that i can save certain things i say, you know, for REAL reactions to use for cartoons and stuff a lot of my voice clips are from playing games with jumpscares, and that's where my screams and OOOOOOOHs come from i used to scream ALL the time whenUse SCP087B and thousands of other assets to build an immersive experience Select from a wide range of models, decals, meshes, plugins, or audio that help bring your imagination into realityComments 13 Followers 48 Free Scp432 Version 010 almost 6 years ago Download (39 MB) Website For Scp432 (All Of A Sudden, Removed) wwwScp432com #horror #other Development Stage

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️ goal subscribers ;5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10 Gmod Breach (The following are mods of SCP games, but some consider them to be different things so I will add them anyways) 11 SCP CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod (unreleased, but had a demo version out for it awhile ago) 12 SCP Containment Breach Ultimate Edition 138 SCP3008 I feel it is too early to get a solid opinion of it, but it does capture the feel of what an SCP game is so far 9 SCP087B A decent horror game for the time it released in, but it doesn't have a satisfying ending for all the pain you have to go through to get it 10

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SCP087B is a special map in Slendercraft and also appeared in the Beta 1 Description 2 Waiting Room 3 Beta 4 Changes SCP087B is a remake of the location in the game by the same name It is a long series of hallways and staircases, all only 1 block wide and 2 blocks tall Moving and jumping is limited There is a random chance when you go down a staircase, a jumpscare will occur The Novice Sound Effect creator/Editor Enma Ai Posts 95 Joined Sun 535 pm Re SCP966 model/discussion #5 by Enma Ai Oh hey!Freesound collaborative database of creativecommons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers Have you freed your sound today?

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